Monday 20 August 2018

Chapter 15: Shock and awe

I know it's a bit scary having another entry in the this blog so soon after the last one but that's not all, it's good news too!
I have found the time to get the new Top and Bass Bar all glued up, and we're back on course to carry on from where I left off in... March!? Hell... It's been five months again!?

Here's a giggle for you all: I'm setting two new deadlines for me to miss. Having got so good at missing my deadlines on this project I thought I'd get some more practice in. I know it's weird having two deadlines for one project but the first is a bit tight so it needs a backup plan!
Deadline One: 18th November (assuming my holiday request is allowed). That gives me three months to finish making the Keys, carve the Tailpiece, and stain, decorate, and varnish the whole thing.
Deadline Two: 22nd March (holiday request granted but not signed off yet). That gives me seven months.
Place your bets.

Meanwhile back at the workbench:

Making a new top to replace the old was actually quite easy. Partly the whole 'been there, done that before' aspect, but also I just laid the old top over the new one and traced everything. First I drilled out the holes.

Then I used my Dremel to cut the pretty shapes.

I drew in the line to mark where the Bass Bar sits...

and introduced it to it's new home. If your eyesight is better than mine you will notice that the ends of the Bass Bar don't sit right down on the underside of the Top. This is intentional. I believe it creates extra upward pressure against the Top where the Bridge rests above.

The Bass Bar is then persuaded to stay put while the glue sets. I used the same glue as before because it worked very well at holding the Bass Bar down last time. This was left for two days just to be sure that it was going to have plenty of time to set properly.

Well there's a surprise... it worked!

After taking a lot of care (almost a day's worth!) to make sure the fit between the Top and Body was right this time they where glued together. The edges of the new Top need a bit of tidying up, but I think we are getting there. (If you know where 'there' is let me know!)

And finally I have refitted the Keyguides after making sure they fit over the Top.

So there we are. A bit more sanding to make the edges look better and the accident has been repaired!

Now where did I put those Keys?

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